Warm Up A Chilly Room

March 27, 2015
If you have a room or part of a room that never seems to get warm enough, GLE has a solution for you.
Great Lakes Energy exclusively sells Convectair space heaters for their energy efficiency, durability and high quality.
Convectair heaters use convection to circulate heat and warm the air throughout the entire room. Unlike radiant space heaters that heat people and objects and can leave cold spots in a room, Convectair heaters evenly and silently heat a room without noisy fans or motors.
In addition, the units are safe and easy to install. All models are mounted on the wall where they cannot be knocked over to create a safety hazard. Also, they are safe to the touch. Convectair heaters come with a two-year warranty against all defects and a five-year warranty on the heating element.
GLE members receive special pricing, so to make your home more comfortable, call 888-485-2537 ext. 8957 or email [email protected] today for more information.

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