GLE Introduces Co-op Owners for Political Action®

September 25, 2015
What does a political action committee have to do with an electric co-op?
Action Committee for Rural Electrification (ACRE) exists to support candidates for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives who understand and in turn support electric cooperatives and their consumer-owners. Plus, nearly 50 percent of all ACRE contributions go to local candidates and legislators.
For years, Great Lakes Energy employees and directors have contributed to ACRE. In fact, in 2015, GLE employees and directors voluntarily pledged $9,950 to ACRE.
Now GLE is making ACRE membership available to our members. The ACRE Co-op Owners for Political Action® is an exciting opportunity for you to raise your voice and participate in the political process. Through this program, you have the ability to strengthen electric co-op support by joining over 30,000 ACRE members. They form a strong grassroots network dedicated to the long term success of the electric cooperative program.

Request more information by calling 888-485-2537 ext. 8957.

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