Stay Connected with Us!

Help us to help you by making sure we have your current contact information.

Great Lakes Energy’s outage management system automatically recognizes phone numbers when members call in outages, provided we have the correct phone number listed. Besides enabling more efficient outage reporting, your current contact information allows us to contact you when there will be a planned power outage or tree trimming in your area.

If you also provide us with your email address, you’ll receive important information regarding GLE, such as rate changes, rebates and special offers available exclusively to our members.

Of course, we also need to know about any changes in your service or billing address.

Call us today at 888-GTLAKES (888-485-2537) or email us at [email protected] with any contact information updates. Please provide your account number(s). Having your current information keeps us #lookingoutforyou.

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Mark Lawton
Mark Lawton
4 months ago

Thank you for all your people do can’t complain about any service you give less than 24 hours after a nasty storm we were back on thank you

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