Coming January 2018 your power will be 56% carbon free

More Clean Power for Great Lakes Energy Members

Over half of GLE’s power will be carbon-free by Jan. 1, 2018.


Great Lakes Energy announced today it will achieve a 56 percent carbon-free fuel mix by Jan. 1, 2018.

“Carbon free refers to cleaner power generation which means cleaner air and water and healthier communities,” explains Bill Scott, Great Lakes Energy President/CEO. “We’re proud to significantly reduce emissions in a way that reinforces our core mission of providing reliable and cost-competitive energy for our members.”

Cleaner power emission sources include renewable energy, such as wind and solar, and nuclear power.

To reach the substantial carbon-free portfolio, Great Lakes Energy’s power supplier, Wolverine Power Cooperative, signed a new long-term contract for zero-emission energy. When added to current renewable energy assets, the agreement will increase the amount of carbon-free energy in Great Lakes Energy’s fuel mix from 31 to 56 percent.

In addition to significantly reducing emissions from carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, the new agreement also helps ensure power costs remain competitive for years to come.

In the past year, Great Lakes Energy, along with Wolverine and its other member co-ops, added more than 150 MW of renewable energy generation by agreeing to a long-term contract for the Deerfield wind project, and building SpartanSolar—Northern Michigan’s largest solar array which offers solar panel subscriptions for members. Wolverine and its member co-ops lead Michigan utilities with the highest percentage of new renewables and exceed both present and anticipated state portfolio requirements.

About Wolverine Power Cooperative

Wolverine Power Cooperative is a generation and transmission cooperative serving the wholesale power supply and transmission needs of seven member-owners: Cherryland Electric Cooperative (Grawn); Great Lakes Energy (Boyne City); HomeWorks Tri-County Electric Cooperative (Portland); Midwest Energy Cooperative (Cassopolis); Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op (Onaway); Spartan Renewable Energy (Cadillac); and Wolverine Power Marketing Cooperative (Cadillac). Learn more by visiting

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