2018 people fund plus logo

Help More with People Fund Plus

Are you a People Fund contributor?  If so, thanks from Great Lakes Energy and the many local community nonprofit groups that reap the benefits of People Fund grants.

Read the 2017 People Fund Annual Report to discover just how much good the People Fund did with your small change from rounding up your bill to the next highest dollar.

If you’re one of the growing group of members who want to help the People Fund do even more good in 2018, please consider joining People Fund PLUS. Simply select a contribution level of your choice above your rounded-up amount, and make a greater impact in your local community.

Here’s how People Fund PLUS works:

                $65.42   Bill

                $00.58   People Fund Round-Up Amount

                $ 2.00    People Fund PLUS Amount (or any even amount of your choice)

                $68.00   Total Bill

Funds raised in the People Fund’s three regions (north, central and south) stay in those regions as grants approved for local community groups that successfully apply.

Also, sign up today to become eligible for drawings twice a year that award a $100 bill credit to six randomly-chosen People Fund contributors. Members enrolled are automatically entered.

The next round of People Fund grant applications are due April 15. Know any deserving nonprofit community organizations in need of a grant? Invite them to request an application soon.

By many GLE members pooling their small change, we can meet the needs of our local communities and do so much good for so many.

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