February 2018 Michigan Country Lines Magazine

It Pays to Read Country Lines

Michigan Country Lines provides more than just information about your electric co-op, interesting Michigan people and businesses, safety advice and energy-saving offers. It can also make you a winner.

Did you know about these “winning” features in Country Lines?

  • Submit your favorite recipe for a chance to have your recipe featured in Country Lines. Members whose recipes are featured WIN A $50 BILL CREDIT.
  • Share your fondest memories in approximately 200 words in the “I Remember” feature of Country Lines and RECEIVE $50 if your memory is published.
  • Have you heard about GLE’s Pay My Bill Photo Contest feature in Country Lines? Enter and YOU COULD WIN A $200 BILL CREDIT ON YOUR DECEMBER BILL!

Now that you know all the ways it can pay you to read Country Lines, check out the February edition today.

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