Building a brighter tomorrow

Solar Power Made Easy (and Affordable)

If renewable energy is important to you, but you don’t have thousands to spend, GLE can help!

Look into purchasing a subscription in our Community Solar program.

Here’s how it works:

  • Cost: $600/panel subscription upfront, or $10 monthly for 5 years
  • Credit of $0.10/kWh generated, seen on your bill monthly
  • 15-year agreement, cancellable at any time

There are no solar panels to buy, install or maintain on your home or property. Yet you’re contributing to putting solar energy on our electric grid just the same as if you had your own system installed.

Need further incentive? We’re offering a $150 rebate to residential/seasonal members who pay upfront. (Offer expires Dec. 31, 2018.)

Visit to subscribe or learn more today.  

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