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On New Year's Resolutions…

New Year’s resolutions? We all feel better when we make them and stick to them. And while it’s great to improve your health and your time, an area you may not have thought about is improving your energy usage.

If you want to reduce the amount of energy you use in the next year, we can help make that kind of resolution easy for you. Check out programs that Great Lakes Energy offers to improve your usage AND save you money, and programs that offer incentives for purchasing energy efficient products. Explore the links below to give you ideas:

Energy Optimization

Heat Pump Rates and Rebates

Efficient Electric Heat Rate

Want to promote energy conservation through renewables this next year? Take a look at GLE’s Community Solar Program to become part of that for as little as a $10/month investment. 

Whatever your 2019 resolutions, have fun and have a Happy New Year!


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