When summer temperatures rise, so do energy bills. Here are a few ways you can reduce energy use and grow your summer savings.
1. Raise your thermostat
The smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temp, the more you’ll save.
2. Install window coverings
Blinds or light-blocking curtains are a good way to prevent indoor heat gain during the day.
3. Seal leaks
Air leaks around windows and exterior doors force your air conditioner to work harder and run longer than necessary. Seal leaks with caulk and weatherstripping.
4. Run ceiling fans
Ceiling fans are great for additional cooling but be sure to turn them off when you leave the room.
5. Lower water heater temp
Lowering your water heater temp to 120 degrees reduces standby heat loss.
Bonus tip!
For more tips to save energy and money, log in to your online GLE account,
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