District 1: Emmet County

Great Lakes Energy is an electric cooperative, which is a democratic organization controlled by a board of directors. The board is made up of members who actively participate in setting policies and making decisions, and are chosen by YOU— our members.

[email protected]

Qualifications and experience:

  • Elected to his first three-year term on the board on Aug. 1, 2021.
  • Bachelor of Science in engineering from Michigan Technological University; Master of Science in electrical engineering from California State University; Professional Engineering Certification.
  • Over 20 years leading engineering teams, developing technology roadmaps, and managing complex projects: mobile phone, cell tower, and satellite hardware systems.
  • Recognized by Michigan Energy Efficiency Excellence Award Committee twice for my farm’s geothermal, solar, and other energy efficiency measures.
  • First-hand experience with environmentally sound practices, including Net Metered Solar PV array and geothermal heating/cooling.
  • Fifth-generation farmer and small business owner.
  • Local government, zoning, and master plan experience.


To learn more about David Coveyou, please click the content below.



Grant Application

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