Two Home Audit Programs Available

May 8, 2015
Regardless of a home’s age, some problems can point to major energy waste that costs homeowners money.  For example, mildew, ice dams, and overall discomfort can be signs of inefficiencies in the home.
Great Lakes Energy offers two home audit programs for improved energy performance through its Energy Optimization programs.
The Home Energy Optimizer free online audit program allows GLE members an opportunity to self-assess the energy performance of their home.
Benefits of the Home Energy Optimizer audit program include:

  • Convenience – ability to save and edit audit responses or finish later.
  • Identifies do-it-yourself, affordable energy-saving actions.
  • Completion entitles you to a free energy-saving kit.

Get started with this free online audit by visiting Click the Get Started Now! button to submit the necessary information.
To take your home performance evaluation to the next level, schedule a Home Performance Energy Audit. This comprehensive in-home audit brings an accredited Building Analyst to your home. The analyst uses state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to pinpoint air leaks, insulation level, moisture problems, and other energy issues. You will receive a detailed analysis report with recommendations on how to make your home more energy efficient and comfortable. Your Building Analyst also advises you of current Energy Optimization rebates available so you can tackle the problems that will give you the best return for your investment.
A $400 value, qualified GLE members* pay just $100. To learn more or schedule a Home Performance Energy Audit, go to
* To qualify for the Home Performance Program, the participating GLE member’s home must be in Allegan, Barry, Lake, Mason, Newaygo, Oceana, Osceola or Ottawa counties. 

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