What's within Your Power?
Our members do extraordinary things with electricity, and we’re proud to support them with electricity that is extraordinary, too. More than half the electricity Great Lakes Energy and power supplier Wolverine Power Cooperative provides is carbon-free.
Make a Difference
Whether we’re caring for Michigan’s natural resources or supporting difference-makers in our communities through charitable giving, People Fund grants, energy savings, and volunteering, we constantly seek ways to change our members’ lives for the better.
As a member of Great Lakes Energy, we’re proud to provide you with many opportunities to make a difference in your community. From reducing your carbon footprint, to supporting vital non-profit organizations, take a look at the list below to see what’s within your power to make a difference in the community.
Go Renewable
As a Michigan leader in renewable energy, Great Lakes Energy is proud to provide members with exciting renewable programs to personally make an impact on Michigan’s environment.
Cut Carbon
Now that more than half of the electricity you use is carbon-free, finding efficient electric solutions in your home can reduce your carbon footprint more than ever before. Get started with a free home energy audit today.
Save Energy
Small investments in your home can pay off in a big way! Our Energy Wise program can help you save money, conserve energy, and further reduce your carbon footprint.
Give Back
Since 1999, Great Lakes Energy members have donated more than $4 million to organizations making a difference in communities though our People Fund. Round your electric bill up to the next dollar and make a difference of your own.
Powering the Extraordinary
Lake County Historical Society
– Baldwin, MI
In the heart of downtown Baldwin, Michigan, the Lake County Historical Museum and Society seek to educate and share their passion for the county and its people’s rich and diverse history.
For them, preserving history also means preserving the natural resources the area celebrates, and the society is proud to have a co-op partner in this effort.
To learn more about the Lake County Historical Society, visit Country Lines Magazine or visit Lake County Historical Society Facebook
Circle Rocking “S” Children’s Farm
– Free Soil, MI
Circle Rocking “S” Children’s Farm in Free Soil provides free animal therapy and recreation for people with disabilities, impacting more than 1,000 individuals each from all over Western Michigan and beyond. The 40-acre farm-—operated completely by volunteers and donations-—features a working garden, sheep, rabbits, chickens, and year-round programming and events which has earned recognition from Ludington and Scottville Chamber’s community service awards, and the state of Michigan’s “Special Tribute Award.”
To learn more about Circle Rocking “S” Children’s Farm, and to see how you can support their mission, visit Country Lines Magazine or visit circlerockingsfarm.org
Bear Creek Organic Farm
– Petoskey, MI
Bear Creek Organic Farm, the first USDA Certified Organic farm in Petoskey, operates 52 weeks per year to produce a wide variety of organic greens including salad greens, microgreens, leafy greens, and living herbs in addition to honey, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other organic plants.
The farm’s hyper-local concentration ensures customers enjoy products that are thousands of miles fresher by delivering produce to customers as soon as possible after harvest, and thousands of miles greener from a carbon-footprint standpoint by reducing carbon emissions associated with transporting the produce.
To learn more about Bear Creek Organic Farm, visit Country Lines Magazine or visit bearcreekorganicfarm.com
YMCA of Barry County
– Hastings, MI
For children, summer can be a season of opportunity to learn and grown on their own terms. That can be challenging for some children in Barry County to access learning opportunities.
That’s why the YMCA of Barry County, in a partnership with local schools and businesses–and support from Great Lakes Energy People Fund–joined together to create the B. Bus Mobile Library on a mission to keep kids and families reading all summer. In their first year, the B. Bus lent more than 2,100 books to 350 children.
To learn more about the B.Bus, visit Country Lines Magazine or visit ymcaofbarrycounty.org
Sklarzcyk Seed Farm
– Johannesburg, MI
Have you ever eaten a potato chip? Chances are it began as a seed potato on the Sklarzcyk family farm.
Recognized by the Governor’s Energy Excellence Award for their energy efficiency efforts, the Sklarzcyks are seeding a low-carbon future.
To learn more about Sklarzcyk Seed Farm, check out Country Lines Magazine or visit www.ssfseedpotatoes.com.
Otsego County Habitat for Humanity
– Gaylord, MI
For more than 25 years, Otsego County Habitat for Humanity (OCHFH) has strived to bring people together to build homes, communities, and hope.
Now building its 25th home, OCHFH is bringing together more community members than ever through a partnership with Kirkland Community College and a unique educational and philanthropic opportunity for area high school students to earn valuable experience and college credits.
To learn more about Habitat for Humanity, visit Country Lines Magazine or visit otsegohabitat.org
Challenge Mountain
– Boyne Falls, MI
Since 1983, Challenge Mountain has enriched, inspired, and empowered individuals with disabilities through adaptive recreational experiences and adventures. The passion and dedication of the staff and volunteers now provides nearly 2,000 adventurous experiences per year—free of charge.
For Challenge Mountain, protecting Michigan’s outdoors means more than protecting beauty and splendor. It means fostering the foundation to provide hope and empowerment for individuals to challenge themselves in all-seasons—and beyond.
To learn more about Challenge Mountain, check out Country Lines Magazine or visit challengemtn.org.