Beware of Other Online Payment Sites

April 11, 2016
Pay your GLE bill online at any time by using this address: If you accidentally select another payment website to make your bill payment, you risk possible extra charges and payment processing delays.  Make sure our website with the address above appears before making a payment.
Some websites allow visitors to pay their local utility bills with the utility’s name and company logo appearing on the site. Great Lakes Energy is not affiliated with any third party website that offers utility payment service.  If you pay your GLE bill on a third party website, you risk:

  • Extra charges levied by the third party for each transaction on their website
  • Delays up to two days or more before the payment is actually posted to your GLE account

For some GLE members, the delay could result in the account being disconnected for nonpayment if payment is not received in time from the third party to avoid shut-off. Even if late payment does not result in a shut-off, late payment fees could be charged to the account.
GLE members can avoid the risks by taking advantage of payment options offered by their cooperative. For more information visit or contact us at 888-GTLAKES.

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