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GLE Announces Online Outage Reporting

Nov. 9, 2016

Reporting outages just got faster and easier.

In addition to using the toll-free automated outage reporting option by calling 888-GT-LAKES, members can now report their outages online or via a mobile app. With either option, information gets transmitted instantly to GLE’s outage management system. When it is possible to estimate restoration time, that information will appear in real time on the member’s computer screen or mobile device. An automated call also goes out to the phone number on record when power is restored.

Tap into this new outage reporting feature by going to my.gtlakes.com and sign up for your personal online account with GLE. Once logged in, click on the Outages link on the left of the screen, which leads to another screen where outage comments can be typed. Click on the Report Outage button to submit the information to GLE.

Members who have an online account can also add an app to their mobile phone or devices. Search for Great Lakes Energy in the App Store and download the app (or update if you already have it). Login and click on the Outage icon at the bottom of the display to navigate to a screen where outage details can be entered.

No one likes outages, but we’re pleased to give our members these convenient options for reporting them and receiving updates.

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