Building a brighter tomorrow

NEW! Renewable Energy Programs

New Renewable Energy Options

March 3, 2017

Our new renewable energy programs offer three options for members who want to become more involved in renewables. Community Solar and Buy-All/Sell-All are two new programs available in addition to our existing Net Metering renewable energy program, which is changing slightly.

With three programs, you can pick the one right for you.  First you have to decide how involved you wish to be in supporting clean energy.

Let me help make that decision easier.

  1. You are interested in supporting renewable energy but don’t have a lot of time and money to invest in it. With the Community Solar program, you can buy a subscription and put solar energy on the electric grid for $600 or, if you prefer to pay over time, $10 per month for 60 months. There are no solar panels to buy, install and maintain on your roof. Energy Optimization rebates up to $150 per panel are also available for a limited time when you pay in full.
  2. The electricity you put on the grid with the Community Solar program likely won’t end up in your home. If that’s important to you, consider the Net Metering program. Net Metered members use their own renewable energy generation system to supply electricity to their homes. What is the cost to have your own system? That depends on the type (solar, wind, etc.) and size you want. A professional who installs these systems can help you with that information.
  3. If the goal is to put more renewable energy on the grid than you use, you will want to invest in a larger more expensive system. You may be a business or industrial owner on our lines who is capable of making a larger investment. The Buy-All/Sell-All program is designed for you.

If you’re not able to take advantage of these programs, Great Lakes Energy has you covered. Nearly 20 percent of the electricity we provide already comes from renewable energy sources. That’s due in large part to the investment our power supplier has made in wind energy generation in Michigan. And that percentage could increase in the years ahead.

Together we can build a cleaner energy future.

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