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Spread the Word on People Fund Grants

Know a local non-profit organization that could use a grant?

The first 2018 People Fund grant application deadline is April 15. Non-profit organizations interested should request a grant application online or by calling Great Lakes Energy at 888-485-2537, ext. 1313.

Great Lakes Energy members provide the sole support for the People Fund by allowing us to round up their bill each month to the next dollar. Grants awarded by the People Fund to organizations in our communities total over $3.3 million since 1999. In 2017 alone, the People Fund provided $216,155 in grants, thanks to the generosity of our members.

Enrolling in the People Fund costs members an average of 50 cents a month. Imagine doing that much good for such a small amount! Join the People Fund today and help your community with your small change.

As our way of thanking those who participate, GLE holds six drawings for a $100 bill credit on June 1 and Dec. 1 from among People Fund contributors. Member enrolled are automatically entered. Join the People Fund and you could be one of our next winners!  

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