2018 Youth Tour group photo

Students Call Youth Tour "Amazing"

It’s the travel and learning opportunity of a lifetime!

High school sophomores and juniors whose parents or guardians receive power from Great Lakes Energy could become part of the next Washington, D.C. Youth Tour adventure June 15-20, 2019.

Six students will be selected by Great Lakes Energy to join other students from Michigan co-ops for a trip to Washington, D.C. The tour starts in Lansing and travels via motor coach, with a stop at Gettysburg on the way to our nation’s capital.  Said Youth Tour student Gabby Snyder of last year’s experience:  “I will not every forget this incredible experience that I was fortunate enough to be a part of.”

Once in Washington, students visit many of the city’s famous points of interest, explore leadership lessons from our nation’s history, meet Michigan legislators on Capitol Hill, and discover the cooperative spirit. Peter Kurburski, of Harbor Springs, noted:  “We learned so much about what our co-ops do. The places we visited were cool and full of history.”

Students share the experience with around 2,000 teens sent by other electric cooperatives all over the country. Attendees form new lifelong friendships during the event before flying home. Lizzie Petrosky, of Charlevoix, summed up her experience:  ““Youth Tour was a great opportunity. I think the experience will be the springboard for me to get more involved in political issues and become a more informed citizen. Youth Tour helped me grow as a person and strive toward bigger things.”   

Eligible teens interested in joining the adventure in 2019 need to apply online by Feb. 28, 2019. Find additional information at cooperativeyouthtour.com.

Youth Tour has been sponsored by America’s electric co-ops for over 50 years. It helps fulfill Great Lakes Energy’s ongoing commitment to the communities we serve by providing our young members with opportunities to improve their education and leadership potential.

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