The Energy Optimization programs that had been available through Great Lakes Energy ended on Jan. 1, 2022.
The History of Energy Optimization
Since 2009, Great Lakes Energy was part of a collaborative to offer energy saving incentives to members through the Energy Optimization program. The collaborative, a group of thirteen cooperative and municipal utilities, including Great Lakes Energy, formed in response to Michigan Public Act 295, which the state legislature passed in 2008. This Act expanded energy efficiency efforts with the goal of achieving greater energy security and to better serve you. It also supported the development of clean and renewable energy and improved air quality.
Programs Energy Optimization Offered
Over the years, EO programs provided GLE members with:
- Cash incentives for appliance recycling, smart thermostats, furnaces, and Energy Star lighting and appliances
- Income-qualified services to assist members with energy-saving home improvements.
- Help for qualified residents to improve the comfort and energy performance of manufactured homes.
- Online home energy surveys, which, once completed offered tips for making upgrades and free energy-saving products
- Business and farm incentives, audits, and energy-saving tips.
- In 2020, members received $1,386,150 in EO incentives, and saved 14,371,120 kWh
What to Expect Ahead
Although the Energy Optimization program ended on Jan. 1, 2022, GLE values the importance of these programs and is evaluating options to continue providing energy efficiency programs and incentives. More information will be announced as it becomes available. GLE continues to offer electric heating rebates, rates, and incentives for EV chargers and vehicles.
Are there any rebates for energy efficient new refrigerators??
Hello Roxanne,
We DO provide a $50 rebate for qualifying ENERGY STAR refrigerators. Visit our Energy Wise page for details, or jump directly to the application form with this URL:
Are there rebates to upgrade windows to energy efficient low E
Hi Deborah. There are no window upgrade rebates available through the Energy Wise program.
Do you have a home energy audit that a GLE employee comes to the home to perform?
We DO provide home energy audits performed by a contractor through Energy Wise! Please call 888-476-9534 to speak with a representative for details.
Is there any rebates for wireless thermostat?
Yes! The ‘Additional Home Equipment’ section of our Energy Wise page details the pre-requisites to consider before applying for a smart thermostat rebate: