As a widow and empty nester, one could describe GLE member Robin S. as independent, resourceful, and self-reliant. From learning how to remodel her basement by watching how-to videos to caring for her one-acre yard, it seems she does it all.
Robin enjoys working out in her yard and even takes the extra time to mow her lawn with a push mower. Last spring, she was in the market for a new push mower and, with a friend’s recommendation, made a purchase.
Unfortunately, once Robin got her new gas-powered walk-behind push mower home, she quickly discovered she couldn’t start it. While her son was visiting, Robin had him try starting the new mower, and he also found it difficult to start. She knew she had to find something she could easily start and handle on her own, so she returned the new mower and continued her search.
Robin and her son visited her local Lowes to find a push mower that works for her, and this time, something different caught her son’s eye. He noticed the battery-powered lawnmowers with a push button start. Since he knew no one lived close by that could help his mom if she had trouble starting her lawnmower, a push button start seemed to be the answer. Robin agreed that it would be safer and easier.
Together, they checked the EGO mower’s reviews and were happy with what they read. Robin was pleasantly surprised with this unexpected option and the good reviews. So, they decided it would be her best option and purchased an EGO electric lawn mower.
As a GLE member, she was thrilled to find a sign by the lawnmowers mentioning Energy Wise rebates were available for her purchase. She took a photo of the sign and later called GLE to inquire about the Energy Wise program and available rebates. Pleased with her mower purchase and an Energy Wise rebate of $50, Robin also bought a cordless electric weed whip and received another rebate for $40.
A challenge Robin has found is having a large yard and limited battery power, but she didn’t let that hold her back. She created a system to help her manage between weed whipping and mowing. Each electric outdoor tool purchased includes an interchangeable lithium battery, so Robin can have a backup battery charging when needed and has a schedule to break up the mowing time. Robin also monitors her electric usage via her GLE online account and hasn’t noticed an increase in her electric use while charging the batteries.
She also has some apple trees that make a mess and could be problematic, but Robin says, “I set the lawnmower a little higher, and I have no problems at all. In fact, it’s better for your grass to be a little higher anyway.”
Benefits of an
Electric Lawn Mower
Quieter Operation
Electric mowers can produce up to 75 decibels (comparable to a washing machine), whereas gas mowers can produce about 95 decibels (comparable to a motorcycle).
Less Maintenance
One of the biggest perks of electric mowers is the low maintenance, making it more economical.
Easier to Maneuver
Electric lawn mowers are lighter and easier to whip around tight corners and navigate through your yard.
Environmentally Friendly
Electric lawn mowers create zero emissions, making them a cleaner alternative to gas lawn mowers.