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Outages remain for more than 3,800 Great Lakes Energy Members

Approximately 3,800 Great Lakes Energy (GLE) members are without power following restoration efforts of GLE and contracted line crews throughout the day. More than 27,700 restorations have been made since outages began on Saturday. All available GLE and contract line crews have been dispatched and are working to restore service.

Crews continue to make progress into the evening, but some of the more heavily damaged areas may not be restored until Monday. Charlevoix and Emmet counties contain the greatest concentration of remaining outages.

GLE members requiring power should make alternative plans for overnight accommodations if service is not restored by 10 p.m. tonight. For residents with limited options, Michigan 2-1-1 is a local resource available to connect those in need with lodging, food, or assistance. Visit to learn more. 

Great Lakes Energy members are reminded to stay away from downed power lines and to also stay clear of trees and limbs hanging on the lines. Members using generators should ensure they are connected properly and legally with a transfer switch so they do not back feed into the powerlines and cause harm to workers.

Current outage information by counties and zip codes is updated on the Great Lakes Energy website,, by visiting Storm Central.

Great Lakes Energy members can report their power outage online, on the Great Lakes Energy app, or by calling 888-485-2537.

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